Why name a huge snow storm after a tropical fish, a movie star no less? Actually, why name a winter storm at all? How about “honking big pile of snow 2013″?
Hubby is out blowing the driveway (1/10th of a mile long and all hill!!). We will have to wait until he officially reports the snow depth, and it is hard to tell with the wind blowing so hard, but I’m guessing about 2 feet. It is almost up to his knees and since his 6’5” tall, his knees are waaaay up off the ground.
Heavy snow load on the garage roof — and serious blowback as he started the snowblowing job.

The birds are feeding at the feeder and we have seen a little of everything in the past 4 weeks. And, we had a visit from something I hadn’t seen before, but after looking at photos up close it may have been just a big puffy bluebird! At our sunflower feeder.

And I believe it is mating time for the squirrels — they do start very early in the year. Suddenly there seem to be more of them running around and making attempts to raid the bird feeders or take advantage of the seeds spilled on the ground by the sloppy eaters from above.

Spring cannot come soon enough. As soon as my popsicle of a hubby gets back in from moving tons of snow from our driveway, I’m sure he’ll agree.