Do Be a Bleeding Heart

Life should be so simple and everyone so compassionate that “you’re such a bleeding heart” is not an insult but instead is a compliment and an everyday occurrence in our acquaintances. But, not so much, I regret.

However —- in the garden — oh to be a bleeding heart! Determined, hardy, early to rise (in the spring), arms reaching out with beauty. Yes, these plants grow with their hearts on their sleeves. When I drive in front of our house toward my garage, I am greeted with these beauties in mid-spring and they do not disappoint.

Bleeding hearts – May 3, 2024

And, because I was getting set up to photograph a rug show for my guild, I did a dump of what was on my Olympus’ memory card. Not in the current season for sure, but here’s a summer photo from First Encounter beach (I think) and Nauset Light decked out for Christmas (in 2022)

Nauset LIght – December 2022
First Encounter Beach summer 2022?

There is more from an earlier camera dump. I cannot wait to see what I find in the “blast from the past” that my camera memory card provides.

Snow day here — holiday update (1)

Leaning tower of ginger
Leaning tower of ginger

So, it snowed about 2 inches here today and I’m enjoying a day where I don’t have to go anywhere or do anything until tonight.  Decided to do a little blog work and so some postings with reflections on the holidays just past.

This photo is from our day trip to Peddler’s Village in Lahaska, PA with our good friends from Jew Jersey.  There is a gingerbread house contest there every year. One of my favorites from this year is the leaning tower of pisa represented in gingerbread.  And guess what is keeping it from falling down?  A bunch of Santa’s reindeer have joined forces to hold it up from the right side.  There are also several in the sleigh cheering them on.  Close up photos will reveal a strained look on the face of the reindeer who is the bottom of the group holding up the tower and a couple of them in the sleigh with their “arms” raised in cheering.  So cute!

Photo taken on almost the last day of the year (Dec 29).  Where did 2014 go?

Happy New Year!

And into 2014 we go.

A picture of our Christmas tree and decorated living room scaffolding will be inserted soon!

In the mean time : —————-

Christmas cactus from a couple of years ago
Christmas cactus from a couple of years ago

Gingerbread boys

Just posting a photo from my sister’s visit at the end of 2011.  Some gingerbread boys — some with a bit of extra icing!

Gingerbread boys

Keep the icing off the lamp!

It’s not over, it’s only just begun!

As we receive God’s greatest gift, that of his son, Jesus Christ, born as a baby to bring salvation to us all — remember that Christmas is not over, it has just begun.  May the seeds of love planted in our hearts continue to grow and flourish during the coming year.

Merry Christmas to you all!

It’s Christmas Eve!

At last!

The day is here.

We will be in church tonight celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

All preparations are done (almost).  My to-do list worked just like previous years — there’s a big long list and I start checking things off from the top as I get them done and crossing them off from the bottom as I realize I’m never going to get to them.   Eventually the two sections meet — usually on about December 22nd or 23rd.   With some of hubby’s gifts yet to wrap and put under the tree, I’m running a little late, but this has been an unusual last couple of months.  Kitchen construction resumes with the electrician and the carpenters next week.  But in the mean time hubby and I are enjoying 6, count em’, 6 days of having the house to ourselves!

Α – Ω

Kitchen destruction – day 1

The plastic wall is up and I’m taking this photo from where the other small plastic door will go — as if this could keep the rest of the house warm and dirt-free.  This was just before the first day of destruction began and before the carpenter ants were found in the base of the greenhouse window.  They are still crawling in and and being sprayed as I write this.  Wonder how many there are and how far the damage goes?  Guess we’ll find out as destruction day 1 continues.   There will be a bit of reconstruction today as the new bay windows will go in where the old windows were.  And they are quite a bit larger, leaving us the possibility that the damaged wood will just go to be replaced by new windows.  Keeping fingers crossed as I type.

Note that even though the house is in shambles, from the outside there are still signs of Christmas (see the big wreath on the window?).