My birthday is at the end of August and usually causes quite a bit of reflection on the year just past and how quickly it passed. During those reflections, I also take the opportunity to make “new year’s resolutions”. So stay tuned, dear blog, as I document some of them and attempt to make some progress too.
One interesting note about the 2022 resolutions was that one of them was to pack up and get moved to the Cape. Well that one is done and dusted as they say. We’ve had all our “stuff” here since the 26 foot dropped it off on June 1st and considered the move really complete when the sale of the Connecticut house closed on August 4.
I’ve spent the past weeks as I drive my Audi out and about on errands and meetings (it’s only been her since June 1) thinking to myself and often saying out loud “I cannot believe that I really LIVE here and that this is now home”. It’s been a crazy busy summer, tourist wise, so we’ll see how this feeling lasts into the dreary months of January and February.

But here I am and here we are and here we go!