Happy New Year – 2022

I feel I should be saying “Happy Ground Hog Day” since: 1) it is just two days after 2/2/22 and 2) I am about to write post about how I’m going to pick up the blogging, AGAIN!

1) Happy new year!
2) Happy ground hog day!
3) Happy “year of the tiger”
4) Happy opening day of the 2022 olympics

No photos here, but will hook up a camera soon – or transfer some from my iPhone (if I can figure out how). So much has changed technically since I used to do this easily. Apple, in its ongoing effort to make things more interesting, has actually made it harder to grab photos randomly from my iPhone and put them on my MacBook. Go figure!

And, if I weren’t so tired, I’d put in a haiku here as that’s one of my “resolutions”. So, nothing profound here; nothing new either.

But, begin as you intend to go forward, or something like that.