The View from my Happy Chair

With the outdoor scaffolding gone a week now, I’ve really come to appreciate the view from what Hubby calls my princess chair but I’ve renamed my Happy Chair.

Some of the reasons I am happy today:

1) had a nice nap in that chair today

2) the view of the east yard contains almost pristine snow since the deer have been fenced out since December

3) the scaffolding has been gone from outside for a whole week and from the inside since Feb 1 (after being up in both places since October of last year)

4) the last time that contractor will be in this house – ever again – was Monday night and the last bill was just received and will be paid tomorrow

5)  the remote controls for the gate have finally been installed and they work

6) we’re finally getting some warmer weather and spring may be here soon – at least we can see the end of winter

7) I’m knitting my first sweater and it looks like it is going to fit !!!

8) I am going away on a quilt retreat soon

9) there have been bluebirds at our sunflower feeder and on the nesting box in the north yard


The word for 2014


I have been enamored for years with the idea of “possibilities” ever since I encountered the quilt book publishing company by that name.  Besides the wonderful quilt patterns and ideas presented in their books, the concept of anticipating the possibilities of crafting and dreaming of handling crafting materials really appeals to me.

Every time a magazine comes in the mail (today it was Interweave Knits Spring 2014) or I go down to my quilting studio and pull a book off my shelves for perusal, my mind is thoroughly engaged with the possibility of creating what I see on the pages.

And I’ve been dreaming and crafting other things too. I treated myself to a 6 week knitting class and am making my first sweater – hoping to learn enough from my teacher so that the sweater actually fits. And I’m working on a kumihimo braided, beaded “something”.  Whether it’s a bracelet or necklace is yet to be determined. And a beading loom might just have arrived from last week. And then there’s the rigid heddle weaving loom upstairs with two placemats partially woven on it. And I’ve been dreaming of getting this all relocated back in the quilting studio if the carpenters EVER finish down there. And …………well, there are lots of POSSIBILITIES.

So that’s my word for 2014 and my plan for 2014 is to become much better at turning all these things into REALITIES.

Knitting possibilities
Knitting possibilities

First Fruits – and Completed Commitments

Today was a busy Saturday.  Hubby was up early for a swim.  I was in town to visit Ridgefield’s Summerfest on the way to a rehearsal.  Lunch on the patio of a local restaurant.  Trip up north to the pond supply store.  Home to sit on the deck and read (Hubby) and knit (me) for a while.  Then gardening for Hubby and baking for me.  Then dinner cooked on the grill.  A run to the grocery store for missing ingredients for cupcake frosting.  A stop at the Carvel!!!!  And home to frost cupcakes and watch le Tour de France.  Whew!  No wonder I’m tired and Hubby is sleeping in the chair with his computer in his lap.

Some random thoughts and photos before I close the lid on this laptop and head off to bed . . . . . . . . . . .

This picture is of some of the first fruits of our garden (gathered and eaten today), though we’ve had some zucchini prior to today.

First fruits

In the completed commitments category are the two quilts made for the two new homeowners of the Linden Place homes built by Housatonic Habitat for Humanity.  The home dedications were in June and I made a quilt for each of the two homeowner families.  I haven’t heard that a CO has been issued for either home, but I’m sure they are anxious to move in.  Here is a photo of me by our pond with the two quilts in my arms.  They are about to be loaded into the car and driven to the dedication ceremony.

Me and the Linden Place quilts

I really enjoyed the quilting and finishing of these quilts.  They were done in beautiful weather and in my wonderful quilting “studio”.  Doesn’t this look like a great place to work?

My quilting studio
View from the "drivers seat" as one of the quilts is being quilted


The Art of the Cookie, Dresses, and Frogs!

Working on resolution 2012-1 – using those cookbooks – again.  Seems however that I am drawn pretty exclusively to cookie cookbooks.  Noting that today’s dinner recipe came off the back of a box of lasagna noodles.

The most recent cookie was from The Art of the Cookie – and was a strawberry swirl, or at least that’s what I called it.  It started with their basic sugar cookie dough which is delicious and I put strawberry jam in the swirled part.  Unfortunately there is no picture of the finished project as we ate them all before I remembered to get the camera out.  Worth repeating, and of course we must repeat as I didn’t get the photo.  Here’s the book and the dough ready to be rolled out.

Let's roll

And just a side note, resolution 2012-2 was more charity work, and perhaps different charity work.  So, here’s a completed dress for a little girl in Africa.  It was the 3rd one I made and I have material for 2 more.  So 2012-2 is being worked on too!

Little dress (#3) completed

And the NEWS OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Phinneas the frog is back out of hibernation sitting in his reeds on the back of the pond!!!


Resolution 2012-5 Get Real

So resolution # 5 for 2012 I named “Get Real”.  This mostly relates to all of my craft projects that are in some state of completion.  So, they are either being finished or “frogged” (as in the case of knitting — ripped out) or thrown away or given away for someone else to complete.  My quilt guild has a challenge contest to be completed in September of 2012.  Those interested in competing filled out a form listing names and descriptions of WIPs (Works In Progress) or UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) that they are committing to finish by our September meeting.  For every project on our list, the entry fee was a fat quarter of batik fabric.  And for every project we actually complete, we get an chance in the drawing for one of the baskets of batiks.  I signed up for seven, though I could have listed many more, and now I need to GET REAL and GET QUILTING!
In the same vein, I aired my yarn stash and cleaned the yarn closet, uncoveing some UFOs there too.  What gave me the idea for the resolution was a thing I started in 2011 that I called “Finish It Friday”.  I started only working on knitting UFOs on Friday and actually got quite a few of them finished last year.  So – the idea for the resolution was born and I have had a bit of success so far in 2012.

2012-5-1 quick and cozy cowl

This one had been languishing on the bottom of the knitting basket for over a year just waiting on my sewing on the two matching buttons.  That’s all it needed — just two buttons — just 10 minutes of time.  Make sense to you?  Me neither.  I sewed on the buttons, wore it the next day and had several people who commented on how pretty it was.  Here it is finished and being modeled by Cheeks the bear who models a lot of my completed projects for photos.

Cheeks modeling the cozy cowl

2012-5-2 This Old Sock

This is an even sadder story.  In 2003 I took knitting lessons over in Bedford Hills New York with a wonderful young teacher and at a great yarn store.  I really wanted to learn how to knit socks, so she started me on a pair using 2 circular needles.  I was also learning other things at the time and thought my sock wasn’t too good.  But I continued knitting until all I needed to do was graft the toe (a smooth seam).  I didn’t know how to do that and apparently the class ended before I learned.  Anyway, the project sunk to the bottom of a bag in the yarn closet never to be seen again until this year’s complete emptying of the yarn closet all over the living room floor.  I uncovered the unfinished first sock and the remainder of the ball of yarn.  I cast on the second sock and finished it in 3 weeks (I’m a much faster and better knitter now than I was 9 years ago).  So, this project took me NINE YEARS to finish.  But it’s done – and here are the photos to prove it.  The only good news hear is that there cannot be any knitting UFOs older than this because I only started knitting 9 years ago.

This old sock found
This Old Sock - complete!

Second sock syndrome – cured!  They aren’t really different sizes, the photo distorted the front one a bit.  Can’t wait to wear them, but will have to get the air cast of my left ankle first.  The cast is held on by velcro which wouldn’t be good for the just-finished-after-nine-years sock fabric!

But I consider that resolution 2012-5 Get Real is off to a good start.

And the yarn stash – dumped all over the floor on February 20th is now back in the closet.  Very organized.  More on this later but this was the result of resolution 2012-2 Get Organized or Else.  So, I’ve inventoried and organized the yarn stash, inventoried and organized the knitting needles, and inventoried (a bit) some of the quilting projects.  Much work remains to be done — but we’re only at the end of the first quarter of 2012.  YIKES! We’re at the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Fish, wool slippers and hardwood floors

I am a musician so I often find myself humming or singing as I work around the house or drive thru town.  Often it is the song that I have just played with the choir or the one I am rehearsing for an upcoming church service.  But things that are going on in my day also often call to mind a song from the past which I find myself singing and occasionally writing parodies of on the fly.

Today’s song was inspired by the very exciting event of the past weekend — the first sighting of swimming fish in the pond as the snow has finally started shrinking here in our part of Connecticut.  Last Sunday, hubby saw the first swimming orange fish in the shallow end of the pond where the ice has finally receded.  There is a rubbermaid box with a light bulb in it that floats upside down (with the aid of some pool noodles) in the shallow end of the pond.  Its purpose is to keep an area of the ice open for oxygen transfer.   The bulb comes on after dark so it illuminates the water immediately under it.  Since for a large part of the winter the pond itself wasn’t even visible, let alone the floating box and the water under it, I have been really worried about my BFFs (Best Fish Friends).  But since Sunday night, fish have been visible slowly moving in the water below the box.  YEAH!   They made it through the winter!!!!!   You don’t know how absolutely happy this has made me.

So, today’s song is from the Beatles:

Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter.
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here.
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces.
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here.
Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting.
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear

Well, particularly that last verse has had me singing today.

Little fishies, it’s been a long cold lonely winter.
Little fishies, it feels like years since you’ve been here.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s all right.
Little fishies, the smiles returning to our faces.
Little fishies, it seems like years since it’s been here.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s all right.
Little fishies, I see the ice is slowly melting.
Little fishies, it seems like years since it’s been clear.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s all right.
It’s all right.

It’s more than all right, it’s wonderful.

I just finished a quilt for my guild’s challenge.  Several months ago, we each reached into a paper bag (without looking) and drew out three paint chips.  The challenge was to make a quilt using ONLY those three colors and a background color (either black or white).  We also could add one extra fabric but it had to contain ONLY those colors from our paint chips and could not introduce any additional ones.

I ended up making my quilt out of essentially solids since my randomly-drawn paint chips were an odd combination.  There was no possibility of finding an additional fabric to use because no fabric designer in their right mind would have combined the colors that I drew into one fabric.

The quilt was required to contain at least one flower and the creation had to be named.  Given the long, cold, lonely winter we’ve been having here, my quilt was named:

Out of the darkness, Light!  (or – Out of the darkness, tulips!)

And, here is a photo of the quilt, in progress, in my quilt studio with those blasted paint chips:

So, the long winter is almost over and I’m trusting the tulips, crocuses, and daffodils are down there in the darkness waiting to pop up as soon as all the snow melts, just like the fish.  Makes me wonder a bit about the fish and what they do during the winter in the very bottom of the pond.  I’m sure it was real dark down there, covered as it was by 75 inches of snow at one time.  No wonder they are up near the surface now seeking the light.

Oh yeah, and for the last two words of the post title — wool slippers and hardwood floors.

The construction project continues, but slowly.  Today the floor guy was back to fix 6 places on the floor, 3 with too much finish and 3 with too little.  The curing and waiting process begins — a bare minimum of 2 weeks before we put rugs and furniture back in and longer would be better if we can actually wait longer.  We’ve been waiting so long, what’s a couple more weeks?  Hopefully I’ll soon be taking pictures in the new kitchen that have bare feet in them rather than thick felted-wool slippers.

The color in this photo is way off.  Don’t know why and don’t have time to fix it.  Suffice it to say the slippers are a darker blue and the floor a more golden-red color.  Perhaps the camera was having an adverse reaction to taking a photo of the orange and red tulips in that quilt!


Time to get this lap quilt finished. It needs to have its dark purple binding added to it to make it ready to go.   The family for which it is to be a gift is about ready to occupy their new home in Danbury — built by staff and volunteers of Housatonic Habitat for Humanity.  The dedication ceremony is Sunday, Feb 13.

Home in America

American Quilt
American Quilt

Does this quilt say it all or what?  A house (home) surrounded by American flags (or a quilty representation of American flags).   What does it mean to be at home and an American to you?   I cannot even put into words what it means for me to be back here at home again, hopefully to stay a bit longer this time.

I finished this quilt the day before I left Iowa — again — on July 2nd.  Determined to return home to be with hubby for the three day weekend, I was also determined to leave this project completed and on my sisters’ dining table.  The photo is a bit wonky because Sister # 2 is holding the quilt.  Trust me, she was smiling — she likes patriotic things.   And so do I.  Must run in the family.

Hubby and I attended the 4th of July fireworks here in Ridgefield.  The photos are all on my bigger camera and haven’t been downloaded yet.  I will update this post with some “oooh” and “aahhhh” photos later.

Finish It! February

I was at a meeting of my quilt guild, the Connecticut Piecemakers, yesterday and during “show and tell” finally had two completed quilt projects to show the group.  It seems that I am usally not finished with a project or am just finished and have given it away when those guild meetings roll around.  Anyway, this time I had two projects that I am keeping for myself to show.  One was a paperpieced teddy bear (I’ll have to edit this and add the photo later) that will hang in my newly-painted green powder room.  The second was a valentine’s table topper that I actually finished last year and was just getting back out to decorate my dining room table for Valentine’s Day.

What really inspired me was the woman who got up with about five finished objects and said that she had decided to dedicate January to finishing some UFOs and had this to show for her effort.  So, I decided to declare this month “Finish It! February”.  I have so many nearly finished objects, quilting and knitting, that I plan on having a quite productive February.

Among my plans include

1) finishing the antique reproduction fabric sampler quilt that I have been working on and using as class samples as I taught 4 sampler classes during the last two years (here’s the progress as of 1/22/09)

Antique Sampler
Antique Sampler

On this project, the third row (not pictured here) had a really ugly block that I decided not to use.  So the finishing work includes assembling a log cabin block from left over fabrics, adding it to the third row and the third row to the top above, putting on borders, and then quilting by machine.  When it’s done, I’m keeping this one (I think).

2) finishing the chenille afghan (knitted project that has a crocheted assembly and edging)

3) finishing the blocks for the Thimbleberries fabric sampler (5 more to go), then assembling into a top with sashing and borders.  I think that I will most likely do the quilting in March, but I’m including this project in Finish It! February because the goal is to have the top finished.  (I’ll photo this one later too)

4) finish the Tofutsies scarf and Tofutsies sock # 1.   Note that you need two socks to make a pair, but the goal is to at least finish sock # 1

Tofutsies scarf
Tofutsies scarf
Tofutsies sock # 1
Tofutsies sock # 1

So, lots of great plans for February.  But it’s already off to a great start.  Last Saturday I finished the baby afghan I had been crocheting for my friend’s baby.   It was wrapped and given at the shower last night.  Alas, I forgot to photograph it, but it still counts as the first item completed in Finish It! February.   And, of course, I’m already off to working on another alliterative slogan for motivation in March (Make It! March, maybe?).

A rainbow of fabric

For the past few days I have been working on assembling a sample quilt top for a class that I will begin teaching at the end of September. Here is the strip set ready to be cut into shapes for the quilt top. Marbles the snowman is moderating the process.

Marbles supervises the sewing
Marbles supervises the sewing

The top assembled and ready for embellishing. I will be “fussy cutting” some frogs, dragonflies, and flowers from scraps of the focus fabric and appliqueing them onto the plain part of the quilt top.

Top ready for the extras
Top ready for the extras