Music in May

A quick trip back to CT and what a nice break it was.  The reason for the trip was to play in the Fountain Series Handbell Concert on Friday May 1st.  Long rehearsals for two nights prior to the concert helped brush the cobwebs out of my brain as I hadn’t been at a rehearsal for six weeks.  And what beautiful music we made.  Usually there is at least one piece that doesn’t go as well as the choir and/or director would have liked.  But all went so well, it was amazing.  The piece that I directed also went well — a slow, smooth song.  The choir’s “signature” piece which ends the concert is the Lord’s Prayer.  It was so beautiful that I almost started crying at the end.  So — all in all — a quick trip — a much needed break — a wonderful concert — and I’m back in Nebraska again.

Photo to come of shiny handbells — it’s on hubby’s camera and I forgot to load it to my laptop.

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