Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Gardening, particularly working in flower gardens is one of my favorite things.  For some reason I am a bit behind in getting everything planted and am now putting annual flowering plants here and there where the property needs a bit of color.  Last Sunday, Hubby and I took the garden tractor and wagon down to the bottom of the drive and worked on the very steep flower bed there.  I planted some impatiens and hubby did some bush trimming around the mail1313box.  All-in-all a much improved driveway entrance.  We don’t really own the property down there, just have an easement for the drive, but no one else does anything, so we try to keep it looking nice.   We came back up to the top of the drive and started each working on his/her own projects.  I decided that the old wheel barrow at the bend in the driveway needed to have some plants put in it and started digging up the soil.  Apparently a yellow jacket had made his home there and was none too happy to have me rooting around in it.  He buzzed around and I swatted at him and this battle went on for a bit and he eventually flew away.  But, apparently, not too far, as suddenly he swooped in from somewhere, landed on my right hand, and stung me through a very tough gardening glove.   Ouch! — or some such utterance!  I took some benadryl immediately and went back to work with hubby instructed to watch for any weird symptoms showing on me and to listen for further calls of help.  Well, it’s Wednesday and my hand is still swollen and when I use it, gets even more so.   It’s a constant battle with Mother Nature around here.

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